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"Campagna" Predazzo - Ziano

Ziano di Fiemme, Predazzo
v hodinách
in km
Navrhované období
A tiny flat road crosses the wide meadows south of Predazzo; a path that offers complete relaxation accompanied by the crisp winter air.
In Predazzo, everyone will recommend the “countryside walk”: this is how the comfortable road is called by the residents which, through the snow-covered meadows, takes you to Ziano di Fiemme. Suitable for everyone, adults and children, and at any time of the day: the sun accompanies you from morning to evening. If you happen to walk at sunset, you will see the sky and the mountain tops turn red.
Další informace a užitečné odkazy

APT Val di Fiemme - Tel. +39 0462 241111 - info@visitfiemme.it - www.visitfiemme.it   

Údaje o trase
6,1 km
1 h 40 min
Do kopce
53 m
53 m
Technické dovednosti
Fyzický stav
Nejvyšší bod
1.010 m
Nejnižší bod
958 m
Autorův tip
There are various possibilities to close the circular route, depending on the desire to walk and stay outdoors: the return can take place on the same road or along the cycle/pedestrian path at the edge of the wood.
Bezpečnostní pokyny
Pay attention to the passage of vehicles.
Výchozí bod
Sport field

The itinerary winds its way through wide snow-covered and sunny meadows, where red spotted cows often graze placidly while blond Haflinger horses gallop freely. For a stretch the walk is flanked by the Marcialonga track, the well-known international cross-country skiing competition, which runs along the Fiemme and Fassa valley floor along the Avisio stream: you can meet beginners and skilled cross-country skiers who enjoy or train, sliding on the track and why not, make you want to experience the thrill of narrow skis too.

Reached the first bridge over the Rio delle Pozze, the small shrine dedicated to the Madonna della Salette, expression of an ancient popular devotion, is a good opportunity for a stop: some benches invite you to take a break to admire the panorama that opens up in front of you, accompanied by the roar of the brook. A little further on, looking up towards the Lagorai, beyond the slopes covered by woods, you can glimpse the sharp and snow-capped peaks of this wild and unique mountain range: a glimpse that really looks like a painting! Roda, a hamlet of Ziano di Fiemme, marks the turning point of this walk. On the way back, your gaze will be drawn northwards by Monte Feudo and the Dolomite peaks of the Latemar group.

CURIOSITY: at the starting point there is the Biolago, a crystal clear water mirror inserted in the sports and recreational area. In summer it is an oasis of relaxation and fun, of aggregation and socialization where you can relax in the sun in a green lawn and dive into the fresh mountain water.

veřejná doprava
You can reach Predazzo with the public buses of "Trentino Trasporti".
Jak dojechać
From Cavalese drive to Predazzo on SS 48 or on SP 232 road.
Kde zaparkovat
Several parking lots at the sport field.
Hiking shoes and warm winter clothes.
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