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Horské chaty

Enjoy local products and have a gastronomic experience in the fresh mountain air.

On the mountains of Val di Fiemme alpine huts and refuges wait you during the summer for a tasty snack, a cool drink, or lunch with traditional dishes. Taste local products and enjoy a gastronomic experience in the fresh mountain air. 

Mountain huts, restaurants and dairies
Passo di Lavazè
Malga Varena - hut
Mountain dairy
Ziano di Fiemme
Rifugio Baita Monte Cauriol
Mountain hut/High-altitude restaurant
Baita Bucaneve
Mountain hut/High-altitude restaurant
Restaurant Lago Santo
Mountain hut/High-altitude restaurant
Baita La Morea
Mountain hut/High-altitude restaurant
Malga Valazza
Mountain dairy
Mountain hut/High-altitude restaurant
Passo Rolle
Malga Juribello
Mountain dairy
Castello-Molina di Fiemme
Malga Cadinello
Mountain dairy
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RISTORANTE PASSO MANGHEN - tel. +39 347 8564172
Open until 27.10.2024

MALGA CADINELLO - Tel. +39 366 2185695 only on WhatsApp
Open. Bed and breakfast only. Availability of 16 beds.


AGRITUR MALGA ARODOLO - tel. +39 339 7453017
June, September, October and November only open at weekends (including Fridays) by prior arrangement. July and August open daily

AGRITUR MALGA SALANZADA - tel. +39 0462 235480 or +39 333 3937327 
Open on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays for lunch, dinners by prior arrangement. From 14.06.2024 open daily except on Tuesdays

RIFUGIO BAITA MONTE CAURIOL - tel. +39 348 2422737 or +39 0462 836002
Open. Overnight stay only by reservation. Availability of 20 beds.

MALGA SADOLE - tel. +39 348 7120227
Open. Availability of 4 beds.


BAITA TONDA - tel. +39 0462 340126  
Open until 22.09.2024

PAION - tel. +39 329 7217777
Open until 22.09.2024

LO CHALET - tel. +39 0462 888011 or +39 338 4697563
Open until 22.09.2024

EL ZIRMO - tel. +39 0462 576300 or +39 335 487033
Open until 08.09.2024

CHALET 44 ALPINE LOUNGE - tel. +39 349 6190376 or +39 0462 880034
Open until 22.09.2024

BAITA LA MOREA  - tel. +39 329 6217544     
Open until 22.09.2024

BUCANEVE - tel. +39 347 7740699
Open until 22.09.2024

RIFUGIO PASSO LUSIA - tel. +39 333 1951383
Open until 22.09.2024. Availability of 16 beds.

MALGA BOCCHE - tel. +39 335 5946308
Open until 22.09.2024

RIFUGIO CAPANNA CERVINO - tel. +39 340 0747643
Open until 29.09.2024 daily. Availability of 24 beds.

RIFUGIO CAPANNA PASSO VALLES  - tel. +39 0437 599136
Open until 13.10.2024. Availability of 48 beds.

MALGA JURIBELLO  - tel. +39 348 8925841
Open until 22.09.2024

MALGA ROLLE - tel. +39 0439 768659
Open only for lunch until the end of September, closed on Thursdays. Summer opening from the end of May to November 2024

BAITA SEGANTINI - tel. +39 342 5828218
Open untile 20.09.2024

CHALET LA BAITA - tel. +39 348 3575442
Open until 22.09.2024 from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

RIFUGIO LAGHI DI COLBRICON - tel. +39 348 7952430
Open until 20.09.2024

MALGA VALAZZA - tel. +39 347 2609195
Open until 20.10.2024

MALGA VENEGIA - tel. +39 348 0627886
Open until 08.09.2024. From 08.09 to 30.09 open only during the weekends.  

MALGA VENEGIOTA - tel. +39 0462 576044

MAYRL ALM - tel. +39 333 6234245
Open until 06.10.2024

OBERHOLZ - tel. +39 0471 618299
Open until 06.10.2024

EPIRCHER LANER ALM - tel. +39 348 4587337
Open until 13.10.2024

BAITA PASSO FEUDO - tel. +39 347 9919582
Open until 06.10.2024

CHALET CASERINA - tel. +39 0462 813244 or +39 342 1019098
Open until 20.09.2024

IN.TRESKA - tel. +39 348 7896832
Open until 15.09.2024

WEIGLER SCHUPF - tel. 340 4916051
Open until 08.09.2024

BAITA MONTE AGNELLO - tel. +39 348 0828583
Open until 22.09.2024

ZISCHG ALM - tel. +39 338 7652517 or +39 335 6299944
Open until 29.09.2024

RIFUGIO TORRE DI PISA - tel. +39 348 3645379
Open until 06.10.2024

BAITA GARDONÉ - tel. +39 328 2259535
Open until 22.09.2024

GANISCHGERALM - tel. +39 328 2259537

RIFUGIO MALGA MONTE CORNO - tel. +39 338 1022342
Open. Until June open daily except on Mondays. Availability of 14 beds.

MALGA CISLON  - tel. +39 0471 1889832 or +39 349 7330205
Open daily. September and October open daily except on Wednesdays. Dinners only by prior arrangement.

MALGHETTE - tel. +39 340 0081212
Open until 02.11.2024. Closed on Tuesdays, except in July and August.

MALGA COSTA - tel. +39 342 3654343
Open until 27.10.2024, closed on Tuesdays. July and August open daily

MALGA ORA - tel. +39 339 8889293
Open only for lunch.

MALGA DAIANO - tel. +39 348 5680581
Open until 30.09.2024. Closed on wednesdays in June and September. Open every day in July and August. Dinners only by prior arrangement.

MALGA GURNDIN - tel. +39 330 765083
Open every day from 16.05 to 10.11.2024. Dinners only by prior arrangement. Availability of 15 beds. 

MALGA VARENA - tel. +39 335 5813973

BAITA ISI - tel. +39 348 8108694
Open every day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

RIFUGIO RISTORANTE POTZMAUER - tel. +39 340 1272668 or + 39 347 2251788
Open every day for lunch. Dinners by reservation only on Fridays and Saturdays. Availability of 14 beds.

RISTORANTE LAGO SANTO - tel. +39 0461 528223 or +39 347 0026164
In May open daily except Wednesday, Friday through Sunday also open for dinner by reservation. From June to the end of August open daily for lunch and dinner. Availability of 11 beds.

RISTORANTE MALGA SAUCH - tel. +39 0461 683768 or +39 339 7805699
May through September: open daily except Mondays, dinners by reservation only for large groups. October and November: open Saturday and Sunday for lunch only.

MALGA VERNERA - tel. +39 348 7262350
Open every day except Monday. Open for lunch, dinners by reservation only

LA BALERA-BAITA MONTE PAT - tel. +39 379 1928216
Closed. Summer opening to be determined

The Taste Passport
Mountain huts in summer
Mountain huts and après ski in winter