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Cavallazza Peak

v hodinách
in km
Navrhované období

Excursion between alpine lakes and magnificent views of the Pale di San Martino.

The excursion starts with a nice walk in a forest of large Swiss pine trees, on a rough and flat road. Once you reach the lakes of Colbricon, the itinerary climbs between meadows and a stony path, in a constant ascent that ends with the exceptional view from the top of the lakes. The view ranges from the Catinaccio Group to the Marmolada, up to the Pale di San Martino and the majestic Paneveggio forest.

Další informace a užitečné odkazy

APT Val di Fiemme - Tel. +39 0462 241111 - info@visitfiemme.it - www.visitfiemme.it   

Údaje o trase
7,9 km
3 h 30 min
Do kopce
450 m
450 m
Fyzický stav
Nejvyšší bod
2.293 m
Nejnižší bod
1.874 m
Autorův tip

Curiosity: in the 1970s, archaeological excavations near the lakes brought to light artifacts (arrows, blades, burins) which confirmed the presence of hunters from the Mesolithic era (10,000 - 8,000 years ago).

Bezpečnostní pokyny


  1. Prepare your itinerary beforehand
  2. Choose an itinerary that suits your physical abilities
  3. Choose suitable clothes and equipment
  4. Check the weather forecast
  5. Hiking by yourself is more risky; if this is the case, take a mobile phone with you
  6. Leave information about your itinerary and your expected return time
  7. If you are not sure about your itinerary, contact an Alpine Guide
  8. Pay attention to signposts and directions that you find along your way
  9. Do not hesitate in going back if you feel too tired
  10. In case of emergency call 112

Please note that the practicability of the itineraries in a mountain environment is strictly linked to the contingent conditions and is therefore influenced by natural phenomena, environmental changes and weather conditions. For this reason, the information contained in this page may have changed. Before leaving for a tour, make sure the path you will approach is still accessible by contacting the owner of the mountain hut, the alpine guides or the visitor centres of the nature parks, the info offices of the local tourist board.

Výchozí bod
Malga Rolle (Mountain dairy)

From Malga Rolle cross the road and walk along the dirt road that leads to the departure of the Paradiso chairlift.

Here the trail n° 348 leads to Rifugio Colbricon (1.927 m). Along the lake, shortly after the Rifugio, the trail turns left and goes up the west ridge. Once there, cross the upland that leads to the Cavallazza peak, leaving the main trail to a uphill path (highest point 2.324 m).

The trail goes on along the east ridge and descends into a winding path reaching the small underlying valley. On the opposite side, the trail slightly goes up toward the Cavallazza Piccola peak; do not consider the path on the right side and keep walking left, going north-east, toward Passo Rolle.

Once reached the path junction take the left trail, not well visible, (watch out for the signage) which passes underneath the chairlift. Keep walking on the trail that turns then into a ski slope that leads to Passo Rolle.

Before the pass you will find a dirt road that turns left, descending along another ski slope to the departure of chairlift Paradiso. Pass the chairlift and walk up on the right side until you get to Malga Rolle.

veřejná doprava
Public bus from Predazzo with direction San Martino di Castrozza. Stop at Malga Rolle-
Jak dojechać
From Predazzo drive direction Passo Rolle. 1 km before the pass you will find on your left hand side the parking near Malga Rolle
Kde zaparkovat
On the left side near Malga Rolle

Hiking shoes, rain-jacket, hiking poles, water, sun cream, snack.

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