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Malga Sass and Monte Cogne

v hodinách
in km
Navrhované období
Pleasant long excursion from Sicina, with a nice halfway stop at Malga Sass.
The panoramic route on "the border" of Val di Fiemme allows you to reach the top of Monte Cogne. From up there you can admire the amazing view of the Lagorai chain, the Cembra Valley and the Pinè Plateau.
Další informace a užitečné odkazy

APT Val di Fiemme - Tel. +39 0462 241111 - info@visitfiemme.it - www.visitfiemme.it 

www.guide-alpine.it or www.guidealpinevaldifiemme.it   

Údaje o trase
14,9 km
6 h 30 min
Do kopce
950 m
950 m
Fyzický stav
Nejvyšší bod
2.165 m
Nejnižší bod
1.223 m
Autorův tip
Once reached the peak, you can make a circled walk descending along a classic itinerary used for ski touring.
Bezpečnostní pokyny


  1. Prepare your itinerary beforehand
  2. Choose an itinerary that suits your physical abilities
  3. Choose suitable clothes and equipment
  4. Check the weather forecast
  5. Hiking by yourself is more risky; if this is the case, take a mobile phone with you
  6. Leave information about your itinerary and your expected return time
  7. If you are not sure about your itinerary, contact an Alpine Guide
  8. Pay attention to signposts and directions that you find along your way
  9. Do not hesitate in going back if you feel too tired
  10. In case of emergency call 112

Remember, snowpack stability is subject to sudden and unforeseeable changes and shifts. Always check the local avalanche bulletin before departure and make sure you gather all possible information concerning current conditions from the local Mountain Guides. GPS tracks are merely indicative of the more standard routes but must not be followed blindly without first checking current slope and terrain conditions. Correct orientation may be a problem at times along the higher stretches of this route due to fog or low cloud cover.

Výchozí bod
Sicina - Valfloriana

WAY UP Walk up on the forest road, sometimes covered with snow, that going south leads to the plain of Bait del Manz (1290 m). Crossed the bridge, keep walking south on the forest road in the wood with some ups and downs and several hairpin turns. Ignore on your right-hand the two tiny roads to Malga Vernera and on your left-hand the path to Malga del Coston. Go on to the main forest road, with steeper parts, until Malga Sass (alpine diary) (1970 m 2,5 hours walk), already a good achievement.

From the Malga walk southern for a few hundred meters, then turn right in the wood on a track which leads to Passo di Mirafiori (passo Vasoni or la Bassa 2047 m). From this wide passage, between Monte Cogne and Pala delle Buse, climb up on the right side of the ridge, looking for less steep parts, and reach the cross of Monte Cogne, better known as Cimatti (2171 m).

WAY DOWN On the same itinerary (2,5 hours). Otherwise, from the peak go north, avoid walking along the crest, and descend down the ridge to the wood’s edge where you will find the path nr 468, coming from Malga Vernera. Descend toward north along a track which lowers into the wood and reaches first Malga Vernera Alta (1783 m), then a little church and right after Malga Vernera Bassa (1671 m, 1,5 hours). From here walk down to Baita del Monte Pat (1520 m), then leave the main forest road and turn right towards east in the wood. You will get to Bait del Manz: follow the road and you will return to the Fior di Bosco Farm House (1,5 hours).

Jak dojechać
From the road that connects Val di Fiemme with Segonzano, take the road that goes up to Valfloriana. After passing the village of Sicina, follow the road until where the snow clearing ends. 
Kde zaparkovat
Along the road.

Warm and waterproof winter clothes. Spare shirt, gloves, wool cap, sunglasses, sunscreen, water, snacks, hiking shoes and hiking poles.

It’s COMPULSORY to carry with you an avalanche rescue kit consisting of avalanche transceiver, probe and shovel.

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