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Sottosassa - The "gorge" of Predazzo

v hodinách
in km
Navrhované období

Walk to discover the ancient stone bridge and the volcanic rock climbing cliff.

ATTENTION: No transit (pedestrian and vehicular) from Ponte dela Lizata to the climbing walls

The relaxing and green area of the Predazzo campsite naturally continues towards the Sottosassa area. Here the waters of the Travignolo stream have carved out a valley, sometimes narrow, dominated by a suggestive porphyry bridge called "Lizata". The view from above of the large boulders on the riverbed, the white foam produced by the flashes of the current, the moss and the vegetation that occupied the spaces between the porphyry boulders, give a Gothic atmosphere. At the crossroads you can choose to return with a ring route through meadows with old wooden huts, or to continue on the forest road that runs alongside the stream. The rock walls above it are a destination for climbing enthusiasts and in summer they are kissed by the sun from morning to late afternoon. The large flat stones near the stream seduce sunbathers, with the privilege of a very cold foot bath always available.
Další informace a užitečné odkazy

APT Val di Fiemme - Tel. +39 0462 241111 - info@visitfiemme.it - www.visitfiemme.it 

Údaje o trase
5,0 km
1 h 45 min
Do kopce
106 m
106 m
Fyzický stav
Nejvyšší bod
1.176 m
Nejnižší bod
1.070 m
Autorův tip
The tour, very sunny in summer, is characterized in other seasons as a particularly humid and cool destination.
Bezpečnostní pokyny


  1. Prepare your itinerary beforehand
  2. Choose an itinerary that suits your physical abilities
  3. Choose suitable clothes and equipment
  4. Check the weather forecast
  5. Hiking by yourself is more risky; if this is the case, take a mobile phone with you
  6. Leave information about your itinerary and your expected return time
  7. If you are not sure about your itinerary, contact an Alpine Guide
  8. Pay attention to signposts and directions that you find along your way
  9. Do not hesitate in going back if you feel too tired
  10. In case of emergency call 112

Please note that the practicability of the itineraries in a mountain environment is strictly linked to the contingent conditions and is therefore influenced by natural phenomena, environmental changes and weather conditions. For this reason, the information contained in this page may have changed. Before leaving for a tour, make sure the path you will approach is still accessible by contacting the owner of the mountain hut, the alpine guides or the visitor centres of the nature parks, the info offices of the local tourist board.

Výchozí bod
Predazzo - Camping Valleverde 

Easy walk not far from the center of Predazzo. Leave the car near the camping Valleverde. You walk a first section on a paved road and then, after crossing the ford on the Travignolo stream, you continue on a dirt road between the woods and pastures. Once you reach the ancient stone bridge "Lizata", turn left to walk back towards Predazzo between meadows and pastures. For those who have more time, we recommend continuing the walk.

From the Lizata bridge, turn right and walk on the dirt road, observing from above the suggestive stream that has eroded the sides of the short gorge. In a succession of small waterfalls and natural pools, continue until you see, on the left, the rock cliffs used by climbers. On the right you will find large flat stones where you can lie down in the sun and put your feet in the icy waters of the Travignolo.

Jak dojechać
From Predazzo drive towards Passo Rolle. After the swimming pool turn right following the sign of Camping Valleverde.
Kde zaparkovat
In the nearby of the camp site

Hiking shoes, rain-jacket, water, sun cream.

We recommend walking the path with the all terrain stroller.

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