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Stroller walk from Passo Lavazè to Malga Costa

Tesero, Ville di Fiemme
v hodinách
in km
Navrhované období

Passo di Lavazè offers countless hiking opportunities including the Malga Costa, from which you can enjoy an enchanting panoramic view.

A short walk that offers a lot of satisfaction, both for the eyes and the taste. The Lavazè plateau is a classic destination for hikers and walkers. The view from up there is truly a spectacle; from the famous peaks of Catinaccio and Latemar to the two "horns" made up of very different rocks. The Corno Nero, with its dark porphyry and the Corno Bianco with its pale dolomite. After filling your eyes with infinite beauty, we also recommend satisfying your taste with one of the many culinary delicacies offered by the hut.

Další informace a užitečné odkazy

APT Val di Fiemme - Tel. +39 0462 241111 - info@visitfiemme.it - www.visitfiemme.it  

Lavazè Spettacolo della Natura - Tel. + 39 0462 230447 - info@lavaze.com - www.lavaze.com   

Údaje o trase
5,0 km
1 h 20 min
Do kopce
80 m
80 m
Fyzický stav
Nejvyšší bod
1.810 m
Nejnižší bod
1.735 m
Autorův tip

Next to the hut there is the cow shed. Curious children will surely be attracted to the sound of their cowbells ...

Bezpečnostní pokyny


  1. Prepare your itinerary beforehand
  2. Choose an itinerary that suits your physical abilities
  3. Choose suitable clothes and equipment
  4. Check the weather forecast
  5. Hiking by yourself is more risky; if this is the case, take a mobile phone with you
  6. Leave information about your itinerary and your expected return time
  7. If you are not sure about your itinerary, contact an Alpine Guide
  8. Pay attention to signposts and directions that you find along your way
  9. Do not hesitate in going back if you feel too tired
  10. In case of emergency call 112

Please note that the practicability of the itineraries in a mountain environment is strictly linked to the contingent conditions and is therefore influenced by natural phenomena, environmental changes and weather conditions. For this reason, the information contained in this page may have changed. Before leaving for a tour, make sure the path you will approach is still accessible by contacting the owner of the mountain hut, the alpine guides or the visitor centres of the nature parks, the info offices of the local tourist board.

Výchozí bod
Lavazè Pass

Leave the car at Lavazè Pass in the large car park, and start walking by the nice small lake, along the pathway no. 9; the first part of the trekking runs next to the shores of this enchanting body of water, in a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.

A little further down the way, leaving the lake’s shores, the view of Corno Nero (m. 2439) and Corno Bianco (m. 2317), at whose foothills the Oclini Pass lies, opens up. Not far (yet not visible from this point) is Malga Ora, another easy destination also reachable from Lavazè Pass.

In another 15 minutes the flat pathway gets to the wood’s edges and enters it slightly downgrade.

Walking along the pathway, just cross a couple of intersections and, always smoothly, at around 40 minutes from the starting point, turn definitely right to a green glade where our destination, Malga Costa, lies.

Guests who prefer having a picnic may accommodate in one of the many available seats, each with its funny colored place mat. To the side of Malga Costa (Liegalm) is the barn housing the many cows, warm company during the day.

From Malga Costa paths easily lead to Malga Ora or, in a long trek, descend to Schwarzenbach.

To get back to the starting point just walk the same route, now slightly upgrading, up to the small lake, whose waters are always attractive to kids, and finally to the car park.


Text by Azzurra Forti - BabyTrekking

veřejná doprava
In summer there is a bus from Cavalese to Passo Lavazè.
Jak dojechać
From Cavalese drive the road up in direction Passo Lavazè.
Kde zaparkovat
At Passo Lavazè you can find a lot of parking possibilities.

We recommend to do this walk with all-terrain stroller.

Hiking shoes, rain-jacket, water, sun cream.

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