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Tour 865 - Piramidi

v hodinách
in km
Navrhované období
A moderately demanding route that leads to the discovery of important sights such as the geological site of the Segonzano Pyramids. 
Tour that requires more effort in the first part of the route, in which you go up the entire village of Bedollo and then continue on the forest road through the pine forest leading to the now abandoned village of Gausaldo. This is the highest point of the tour. From here on it is a long descent through the forest to discover the Sanctuary of Madonna dell'Aiuto and the village of Stedro di Segonzano, with its ancient little church and view of the Avisio Valley. Two viewpoints along the paved road leading to the village of Quaras are noteworthy, offering a privileged view of Segonzano's earth pyramids, bizarre earth pinnacles topped by a large boulder.
Další informace a užitečné odkazy
Trento Tourist Office - Tel. +39 0461 216000 - info@trento.info  - www.trento.info  
Údaje o trase
18,0 km
3 h 00 min
Do kopce
722 m
721 m
Fyzický stav
Nejvyšší bod
1.366 m
Nejnižší bod
733 m
Autorův tip
ATTENTION: Follow the gpx trail and directions on this page. Follow the gpx trail and directions on this page. Pushing sections on the trail from Capitel del Franzele to Gausaldo and from Segonzano going up by E5 trail to Marteri di Bedollo.

Don't miss the panoramic views of the Piné Plateau and its lakes from the village of Bedollo. 

Bezpečnostní pokyny
ATTENTION: Follow the gpx trail and directions on this page; there are uphill sections in the section from Quaras to Marteri that need to be pushed. An additional challenging section is found from Capitel del Frànzele to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Help.


  • The roads, paths and tracks indicated are often also travelled in the opposite direction, so always pay attention to pedestrians, bicycles and cars approaching
  • On paths and in narrow places always watch out for hikers and use common sense, slow down and stop if necessary
  • Always wear a helmet and do not underestimate the degree of difficulty of the route
  • Take away any rubbish
  • Respect speed limits and ride in such a way that you are always in control of your bike

As you can imagine, the practicability of routes in a mountain environment is closely linked to conditions and therefore depends on natural phenomena, environmental changes and weather conditions. For this reason, the information contained in this sheet may have changed. Before setting off, find out about the status of the route by contacting the manager of the huts on your route, mountain guides, nature park visitor centres and tourist offices.

Výchozí bod
Centrale di Bedollo, Sports Centre
From the locality of Centrale go uphill through the village of Bedollo to the hamlet of Svaldi, where the provincial road ends. It is also possible to reach the top of the village by diverting to the historic center of Bedollo following the paved road. Continue left, first on a paved road and then on a dirt road, to the Capitel del Frànzele. After about 200 meters, you will need to be very careful as you will be following a path with outcropping streams and thick vegetation (about 300 meters of path) where you will also need to push your bicycle. At this point you will come to a viewpoint with a bench for a short stop and views of the Piné and Cembra valleys.

Continuing the route on forest road Del Castagner at about 4.9 km you turn left onto a path (be careful there are no signs indicating the detour; use the GPX track provided by the app) in which you immediately lose altitude with a few challenging points and then take the Frontalti forest road that will lead you to the little church of Madonna Dell Aiuto.

When you reach the provincial road, head towards the hamlet of Stedro di Segonzano, passing through the centre of the village and taking the road to Luc e Quaras. Here are the two observation points from above on the Segonzano Pyramids. Once past Quaras, the route becomes steeper and more demanding, with some pushing sections before reaching Marteri di Bedollo. From here, a short stretch on an asphalt road leads back to the starting point.

veřejná doprava
Starting from Trento, it is possible to reach the village of Centrale di Bedollo with the Trentino Trasporti bus, line B402 (Trento - Nogarè - Baselga di Pinè -Montesover).
Jak dojechać

Coming from the A22 Brennero motorway (from the south Trento Sud exit - from the north Trento Nord exit) and the Brennero state road 12, follow the S.S. 47 della Valsugana to Pergine Valsugana - Padova to the Mochena junction for Altopiano di Piné, then take the S.P. 83 di Piné to the sports center of Centrale di Bedollo.

Kde zaparkovat

Near the sports centre of Centrale di Bedollo.

What do I need to bring on my bike tour? 
  • An adequate water supply according to your needs (considering temperature, possibility of refuelling and duration of the route)
  • Plenty of snacks (for example, dried fruit or energy bars)
  • Waterproof / Windproof jacket.
  • A spare top / spare socks. (Descending in a sweaty garment, will make you cold)
  • Suncream
  • Sunglasses
  • Bike gloves/mitts
  • Map or GPS device
  • Bike repair kit for punctures and mechanical breakdowns
  • First aid kit

It is always advised to let someone know where you plan to go and how long you expect to be.

Emergency telephone number 112

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