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Trekking degli antichi laghi - 3° giorno

v hodinách
in km
Navrhované období

Trekking through the silent woods and precious reserves of the Alta Val di Cembra and the Monte Corno Park. Immerse yourself in an environment still intact to be discovered.

The path that we propose will lead you to the presence of something special, unusual. You will not encounter rock towers or untouched peaks, but something smaller and perhaps less flashy, but equally precious. You will always be surrounded by the forests that separate the Adige valley from the Val di Cembra, an area straddling two worlds already in Roman times, and you will meet witnesses of the past and present of this mountain. First of all: peat bogs, ancient lakes of glacial origin where peat has progressively reduced the surface of the water, creating an incredibly favorable environment for biodiversity. In addition, rocks, mills and border stones that narrate forgotten events. At the end of the day, you will find the heat of the refuge or the malga: a plate of hot soup and a glass of wine will help to cheerfully remember what happened today and to dream of tomorrow's stage.

The trek is part of a larger circuit of 3 days in duration (see stages 1 and 2).

Itinerary designed and implemented by Sviluppo Turistico Grumes in collaboration with the Network of Reserves Valle di Cembra - Avisio, the Natural Park of Monte Corno, the subjects of tourism promotion and numerous private operators.

Další informace a užitečné odkazy

Ufficio Turistico Cembra - Tel. +39 0461 683110 - info@visitvaldicembra.it – www.visitvaldicembra.it   

Údaje o trase
12,7 km
5 h 06 min
Do kopce
256 m
1.413 m
Fyzický stav
Nejvyšší bod
1.726 m
Nejnižší bod
510 m
Autorův tip

The Natural Park of Monte Corno, established in 1980 and subsequently expanded in 2000, covers an area of 6,851 hectares divided between the municipalities of Anterivo, Egna, Montagna, Salorno and Trodena.

Bezpečnostní pokyny


  • Prepare your itinerary beforehand
  • Choose an itinerary that suits your physical abilities
  • Choose suitable clothes and equipment
  • Check the weather forecast
  • Hiking by yourself is more risky; if this is the case, take a mobile phone with you
  • Leave information about your itinerary and your expected return time
  • If you are not sure about your itinerary, contact an Alpine Guide
  • Pay attention to signposts and directions that you find along your way
  • Do not hesitate in going back if you feel too tired
  • In case of emergency call 112
Výchozí bod
Mountain cottage Corno

STAGE 3 (From Mountain cottage Corno to Pochi of Salorno)

Behind the hut, take path no. 9 to Hackelboden - Casignano, which passes below the summit of Monte Corno (1781m). Crossing the Selva di Casignano (Casignano forest), you descend first on a road and then on the well-marked path (no. 9), which zigzags down, crossing the gravel road several times. You reach a level road, which, taken to the left, leads after 100 metres to the Hackelboden hut. Behind the hut, the path (no. 9) descends to the forest road, where it turns left. You reach a fork in the road and, following the road to the left that climbs steeply, head towards the Cauria pass. From the pass, it takes 20 minutes to descend to Cauria on the road (no. 4). Just before the village, on the right, go down the path (2-7-8) to the provincial road and just beyond the widening, on the right, take the forest road signposted Laghetti (path no. 7). One descends and enters a deep valley. Stay true to the signs for Laghetti until the road, on a paved section after loc. Le Seghe, comes to a hairpin bend at a stone bridge (Roman bridge). To the left, on the Dürerweg (Dürer path), which ascends from the Kloesterle in Laghetti, you arrive at the Pochi di Salorno.

veřejná doprava
All information on the website of SAD (transport Province of Bolzano): https://www.sad.it/it and Trentino Trasporti (transport Province of Trento): https://www.trentinotrasporti.it/

Hiking shoes, rain-jacket, hiking poles, water, snack and sun cream.

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