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The sounds of our land

The fascinating sound of the hunting horns along the town streets

The fascinating sound of the hunting horns along the town streets
Všechna data
30.12.2024 17:30
town center and Xmas Market
Cavalese - Giardino Magnifica Comunità
Mercatino Magnifico
Giardino Magnifica Comunità - 38033 Cavalese
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Hockey match
  • 07.12 - 27.12.2024 (Každý Sobota)
  • Cavalese - Via Cermis 3
  • 19:30
Christmas Markets in Cavalese
  • 20.12 - 24.12.2024
  • Cavalese
  • 10:00
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The cribs in the wood of Zanolin
  • 08.12 - 08.03.2025
  • Ziano di Fiemme - partenza dalla fontana, via Zanolin
  • 09:00
Tesero and its Christmas Cribs
  • 07.12 - 06.01.2025
  • Tesero - Piazza C. Battisti
  • 10:00
The circus under the Christmas tree
  • 22.12.2024
  • Predazzo - Piazza SS. Filippo e Giacomo
  • 17:00
"Nativity Scenes of Europe" exhibition
  • 21.12 - 06.01.2025
  • Tesero - Via Benesin
  • 14:30
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