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The church dedicated to St. Leonard and Gottardo, patron saints of prisoners, women in labour and livestock, was consecrated in 1474. The building is in Gothic style, located along the ancient street in the direction of Stava. The interior has a nave; The pentagonal apse, the arch and the first five sails of the vault are completely frescoed with a cycle of sacred representations of the life of Christ and images of saints traditionally more popular.

The church is infamous for housing the cemetery of the victims of the 1985 Stava tragedy, when the tailing ponds of the Prestavei mine collapsed and swept away everything along the valley of Stava, killing 268 people.

The wooden main altar, from the eighteenth century, dedicated to San Leonardo, contains a splendid altarpiece by Francesco Unterperger(1706-1776) depicting the Madonna with Saints Leonardo, Valerio, Pietro d 'Alcantara, Carlo Borromeo.

Via San Leonardo, 38037 Tesero (TN) - Tesero
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