
Tour 868 - Heart of the Lagorai

in hours
in km
Suggested period

An authentic tour, ideal for lovers of wild and unspoilt nature.

This route is designed for trained riders in search of adventure, with climbs and even challenging downhill sections, but which repays with views and landscapes of unspoilt nature in the Wild Lagorai. There is no shortage of passages through typical alpine huts, enchanted forests, meadows and pastures.

Attention check the route status and route directions in the “directions to follow” section.

Further information and useful links
Trento Tourist Office - Tel. +39 0461 216000 -  -  
Route data
39,2 km
4 h 30 min
1.504 m
1.497 m
Physical condition
Highest point
1.734 m
Lowest point
957 m

ATTENTION: follow the gpx track and the indications on this page; the signposting of the routes is being placed.

Beware of the impervious mule track leading to Montesover.

Along the route you will come across some refreshment points with seasonal opening: Malga Sass and Baita Pat (check for possible opening). It is possible to further lengthen the route with the intersections with tours 866-Malga Vernera and 864-Malga Sass.

Beware of the passage over the wooden footbridges to Val di Spruggio: push bikes recommended.

Also suitable for E-MTB.

Safety guidelines
WARNING: follow the gpx track and the directions on this page
  • The roads, paths and tracks indicated are often also travelled in the opposite direction, so always pay attention to pedestrians, bicycles and cars approaching
  • On paths and in narrow places always watch out for hikers and use common sense, slow down and stop if necessary
  • Always wear a helmet and do not underestimate the degree of difficulty of the route
  • Take away any rubbish
  • Respect speed limits and ride in such a way that you are always in control of your bike


As you can imagine, the practicability of routes in a mountain environment is closely linked to conditions and therefore depends on natural phenomena, environmental changes and weather conditions. For this reason, the information contained in this sheet may have changed. Before setting off, find out about the status of the route by contacting the manager of the huts on your route, mountain guides, nature park visitor centres and tourist offices.

Starting point
Centrale di Bedollo
Starting from Centrale, you immediately embark on a challenging asphalt climb that connects the village to the first malga, Malga Stramaiolo (along the climb to the junction for Malga Stramaiolo there is a push section of about 200 m; alternatively climb from the asphalt road Sp224). From here on you enter the forest, on forest road, paths and wooden footbridges, crossing the Val di Spruggio (from km 11.5 to km 12 possible push sections due to falling trees).

An electrifying descent immediately followed by a climb will bring you back first to Malga Fregasoga and then to Malga Vasoni Bassa (km 21 to km 21.7 possible pushing sections due to falling trees). A long forest section in an enchanted forest leads to the intersection with other tours (866- Malga Vernera, 864-Malga Sas), not far from Malga Monte Pat. Watch out from here for the challenging descent to the village. There is no lack of passing through the village of Montesover, temporarily leaving the woods and returning to civilization.

ATTENTION TEMPORARY CLOSURE for forest work: after the village of Montesover at the small church just outside the village, do not take the path through the woods uphill but continue on the road “Rione del Borgo” and then on the provincial road to the junction Maso Sveseri where you will resume the original route.

Reaching Maso Sveseri you lose altitude and passing the barn just below Sveseri you return to the forest halfway up the Avisio valley to the Rio Brusago, which you skirt to the village of the same name, closing the tour at the starting point, Centrale.

public transportation
Starting from Trento, it is possible to reach the village of Centrale di Bedollo with the Trentino Trasporti bus, line B402 (Trento - Nogarè - Baselga di Pinè -Montesover).
How to get there

Coming from the A22 Brennero motorway (from the south, exit Trento south - from the north, exit Trento north) and the Brennero state road 12, follow the S.S. 47 della Valsugana to Pergine Valsugana - Padua to the Mochena junction for Altopiano di Piné, then take the S.P. 83 di Piné to the sports centre at Centrale di Bedollo.

Where to park
Near the sports centre of Centrale di Bedollo.
What do I need to bring on my bike tour? 
  • An adequate water supply according to your needs (considering temperature, possibility of refuelling and duration of the route)
  • Plenty of snacks (for example, dried fruit or energy bars)
  • Waterproof / Windproof jacket.
  • A spare top / spare socks. (Descending in a sweaty garment, will make you cold)
  • Suncream
  • Sunglasses
  • Bike gloves/mitts
  • Map or GPS device
  • Bike repair kit for punctures and mechanical breakdowns
  • First aid kit

It is always advised to let someone know where you plan to go and how long you expect to be.

Emergency telephone number 112

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