The film tells the extraordinary story of the Paralympic Games: from the rubble of the Second World War to the third largest sporting event on the planet, along a path that analyses the way the Paralympics have triggered a global movement over the decades, showing the change that has taken place in the way the world thinks about disability, excellence, diversity and human potential.
Cenaforum in cooperation with Il Grillo Comunitร Ristorante
Il Grillo Comunitร Ristorante, is a project resulting from the collaboration between the social cooperatives โLe Raisโ and โCS4โ. This initiative was created with a twofold objective: to promote the social and labour inclusion of people with fragility .
The screening will be preceded by a themed apericena, in collaboration with the Cricket Community Restaurant, inspired by the film.
Themed apericena 7.30 p.m. - โฌ 25
Film screening 9.00 p.m. - free offer
To take part in the events at El Molin de Portegnach, you must be in possession of the new S90 supporter card (โฌ5) or membership card. Both cards are valid for the 2024-25 season and can be signed on site. We recommend pre-filling the online form on the S90 website.
Booking required by Monday 10 March 2025 from the form on the Sorgente 90 website