
Val di Fiemme is a popular valley for mushroom enthusiasts because of its convenient accessibility to forested areas.

Avid mushroom hunters love Val di Fiemme, also thanks to the comfortable accessibility to its woods. Walking along the several forestry roads, you can easily find mushrooms almost without walking through spruces and larches. Who wants to venture and look for mushrooms, needs to know all the rules in order to protect the environment. Visit the mycology help desks in Predazzo, Cavalese and Tesero.

Modality for mushrooms-picking in Val di Fiemme


Whoever is not resident in the valley nor was born in the province of Trento must perform a specific notification, presented with the payment of a sum calculated and proportionated to the duration of the picking period. 
In Val di Fiemme they agreed upon an unique area of interest including the municipalities of the villages of PredazzoZiano di FiemmePanchiàTeseroCavaleseVarenaDaianoCaranoCastello and Molina di Fiemme. 
•    1 DAY: € 12,00
•    3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS: € 18,00
•    ONE WEEK: € 24,00
•    TWO WEEKS: € 36,00
•    ONE MONTH: € 55,00​
•    90 DAYS: € 132,00​
•    180 DAYS: € 264,00​

For any violation of laws and regulations on the mushrooms picking, administrative penalties provided by the Law will be applied.


How to notify and pay

  • Payment by postal money order no. 16539389 payable to Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme. On the form, please specify the whole picking period and the person authorized to the mushroom picking.
  • Bank transfer payable to Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme  - IBAN code IT64 S081 8434 6000 0000 5240 399 – at the bank Val di Fiemme Cassa Rurale. As reason of the payment, please specify the whole picking period and the person authorized to the mushroom picking.
  • Home-banking transfer. Also in this case, as reason of the payment, please specify the whole picking period and the person authorized to the mushroom picking.
  • Payment by cash at the Tourism Board offices of Val di Fiemme.
  • At the ATMs of the banks Val di Fiemme Cassa Rurale.
  • At all partner hotels and accommodation facilities.
  • With the App GEOTICKET on your smartphone, tablet or PC. 

The permit is personal and non-transferable. 


Comune di Valfloriana

  • 1 DAY: € 15,00

  • 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS: € 20,00
  • ONE-WEEK: € 30,00
  • TWO-WEEKS: € 40,00
  • ONE MONTH: € 60,00

For any violation of laws and regulations on the mushrooms picking, administrative penalties provided by the Law will be applied.


How to notify and pay

  • Payment by postal money order no. 14783385 payable to the Town Hall of Valfloriana. On the form, please specify the whole picking period and the person authorized to the mushroom picking.
  • At the ATM of the bank Val di Fiemme Cassa Rurale in Casatta.
  • Payment by cash or card at the Town Hall of Valfloriana, open from Mondays to Fridays, from 8.30 am to midday.

The permit is personal and non-transferable. 

•    1 DAY: € 12,00
•    3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS: € 18,00
•    ONE WEEK: € 24,00
•    TWO WEEKS: € 36,00
•    ONE MONTH: € 55,00​
•    90 DAYS: € 132,00​
•    180 DAYS: € 264,00​

For any violation of laws and regulations on the mushrooms picking, administrative penalties provided by the Law will be applied.


Comune di Valfloriana

  • 1 DAY: € 15,00

  • 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS: € 20,00
  • ONE-WEEK: € 30,00
  • TWO-WEEKS: € 40,00
  • ONE MONTH: € 60,00

For any violation of laws and regulations on the mushrooms picking, administrative penalties provided by the Law will be applied.

How to notify and pay

  • Payment by postal money order no. 16539389 payable to Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme. On the form, please specify the whole picking period and the person authorized to the mushroom picking.
  • Bank transfer payable to Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme - IBAN code IT64 S081 8434 6000 0000 5240 399 – at the bank Val di Fiemme Cassa Rurale. As reason of the payment, please specify the whole picking period and the person authorized to the mushroom picking.
  • Home-banking transfer. Also in this case, as reason of the payment, please specify the whole picking period and the person authorized to the mushroom picking.
  • Payment by cash at the Tourism Board offices of Val di Fiemme.
  • At the ATMs of the banks Val di Fiemme Cassa Rurale.
  • At all partner hotels and accommodation facilities.
  • With the App GEOTICKET on your smartphone, tablet or PC.


Comune di Valfloriana

  • Payment by postal money order no. 14783385 payable to the Town Hall of Valfloriana. On the form,please specify the whole picking period and the person authorized to the mushroom picking.
  • At the ATM of the bank Val di Fiemme Cassa Rurale in Casatta.
  • Payment by cash or card at the Town Hall of Valfloriana, open from Mondays to Fridays, from 8.30 am to midday.

The permit is personal and non-transferable.

Modality for mushrooms-picking in Val di Cembra


Whoever is not resident in the valley nor was born in the province of Trento must perform a specific notification, presented with the payment of a sum calculated and proportionated to the duration of the picking period. 

The permit is personal and non-transferable.

Comune di Altavalle (Faver, Grauno, Grumes, Valda)

  • 1 DAY: € 10,00

  • 3 DAYS: € 15,00

  • ONE WEEK: € 25,00

  • TWO WEEKS: € 35,00

  • ONE MONTH (30 days): € 50,00

Comune di Segonzano

  • 1 DAY: € 10,00

  • 3 DAYS: € 15,00

  • ONE WEEK: € 30,00

  • TWO WEEKS: € 40,00

  • 1 MONTH (30 days): € 50,00

  • 90 DAYS: € 70,00

  • 180 DAYS: € 130,00

Comune di Albiano, Cembra Lisignago, Giovo, Lona Lases

  • 1 DAY: € 5,00

  • 3 DAYS: € 10,00

  • ONE WEEK: € 20,00

  • TWO WEEKS: € 30,00

  • ONE MONTH (30 days): € 40,00

Comune di Sover

  • 1 DAY: € 15,00

  • 3 DAYS: € 20,00

  • ONE WEEK: € 30,00

  • TWO WEEKS: € 40,00

  • ONE MONTH (30 days): € 60,00

For any violation of laws and regulations on the mushrooms picking, administrative penalties provided by the Law will be applied.

  • Home-banking transfer to SERVIZIO TESORERIA DEL COMUNE. Please specify the whole picking period and the person authorized to the mushroom picking. 
  • At the Municipal Offices of Altavalle (Faver), Giovo, Segonzano, Cembra Lisignago, Albiano, Losa Lases

Mycologist Help Desk in Val di Fiemme


Dal 10 luglio al 17 settembre 2023, dalle ore 17.30 alle ore 18.30 nei giorni di martedì, giovedì e sabato presso l’Ufficio ApT è a disposizione un micologo che svolgerà un servizio di consulenza ed informazione micologica.

Per informazioni: Andrea Daprà – cell. 373.8814001 | Paolo Bonelli - cell 338.8409534

La sede del Gruppo Micologico “G. A. Scopoli” di Cavalese (c/o Convento F. Francescani) è aperta a soci, simpatizzanti e ospiti. Gli incontri di studio, di classificazione e di controllo dei funghi sono coordinati da esperti di micologia e botanica. 
La sede è aperta ogni primo e terzo lunedì di maggio, giugno e luglio dalle ore 20.30, ogni lunedì di agosto, settembre e ottobre, dalle ore 20.30.



Dal 10 luglio al 17 settembre 2023, dalle ore 17.30 alle ore 18.30 nei giorni di mercoledì e venerdì, al piano terra del Municipio è a disposizione un micologo che svolgerà un servizio di consulenza ed informazione micologica.

Per informazioni: Elsa Danzi - cell 348.6514556



Dal 10 luglio al 17 settembre 2023, dalle ore 17.30 alle ore 18.30 nei giorni di lunedì e domenica, presso l'ufficio turistico in via Roma 35 è a disposizione un micologo che svolgerà un servizio di consulenza ed informazione micologica.

Per informazioni: Martina Bonelli - cell 347.8123429


I controlli di commestibilità sono gratuiti.

I funghi presentati devono essere:

  • freschi (non congelati o scongelati, non essiccati, non diversamente conservati)

  • interi (non recisi o tagliati, non spezzettati, non lavorati o comunque privi di parti essenziali al riconoscimento)

  • in buono stato di conservazione

  • puliti da terriccio, foglie e altri corpi estranei

  • sottoporre al controllo l’intero quantitativo raccolto (non solo un campione) e nel più breve tempo possibile

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