
875 - Monte Corno

Castello-Molina di Fiemme, Capriana, Faver, Grauno, Grumes, Valda
Czas przejścia
w godzinach
in km
Sugerowany okres

This tour, which takes place mostly on dirt roads, makes you discover the Monte Corno/Hornspitz nature park.

The climbs are never impossibly steep; the roads and paths are well maintained; refreshments are available at Malga Monte Corno; and, last, but not least: the route takes you past two lakes ('Lago Bianco' and 'Lago Nero'). All these aspects make this tour a fulfilling experience from the point of view not only of tourism, but also of sport.

Dalsze informacje i przydatne linki

Ufficio Turistico Cembra - Tel. +39 0461 683110 - –  

Dane trasy
24,1 km
Czas przejścia
4 h 30 min
Pod górę
1.289 m
1.289 m
Stan fizyczny
Najwyższy punkt
1.743 m
Najniższy punkt
919 m
Wskazówka autora

Also suitable for e-mtb

Wytyczne dotyczące bezpieczeństwa


  • Plan your ride
  • Share the trail with other users
  • Yield right of way to hikers
  • Let your speed be determined by your experience
  • Ride slowly on crowded trails, overtake with politeness and respect
  • Cycle only on authorized and open trails
  • Avoid muddy trails in order not to damage them further
  • Respect nature, plants, animals and the trail
  • Do not frighten animals
  • Take your rubbish home with you
  • Respect public and private property
  • Always be selfsufficient
  • Do not cycle solo in remote areas
  • Take back home only good pics


Punkt początkowy
Wskazówki dojazdu

The starting place is near the church of the village of Grauno. From there, climb for about 200 m on a paved road towards Fontana d’Ao and carry on along a fairly level dirt road that leads from Preda da l'Ao locality towards Capriana (this stretch of the route follows a section of the old main road up Valle di Cembra). After a while, the road becomes a nice, easily cyclable path that takes you to Pian dal Mas. There, it becomes wider and climbs gently to the village of Capriana. After a short asphalt stretch through the village in the direction of Anterivo/Altrei, the climb resumes along a nice, never too steep forest road that passes a quarry. Carry on until you reach a place where a fountain has been carved out of a tree trunk and from where you can see the village of Anterivo/Altrei. Turn left and head for Passo della Cisa (signposts). After a short stretch in Val Gausa, you reach the pass. Follow the signs for Malga Monte Corno, bearing left along a nice forest road until you reach the mountain dairy (refreshments are available there in the summer). After having gone through a fence, climb for about 200 m. At the top of the ascent, when the path becomes level, follow the signs for 'Lago Nero' (you can clearly see the lake from a spot near the road where there is a totem pole of the nature park). From Lago Nero, follow the signs for 'Lago Bianco', which has all but turned into a marsh. From Lago Bianco, carry on along the forest road. Approximately 700 metres after a wide hairpin bend, take the path towards Cauria/Gfrill. At a crossroads, follow the signs for Grauno and head for Pradi Larghi along a path. From Pradi Larghi, you descend Val San Martin on stretches of dirt road alternated with sections of paved road and finally arrive back at Grauno.

transport publiczny
From Trento you can reach Grauno by Trentino Trasporti bus number B102.


Jak dojechać
Coming from the A22 Brenner freeway, either from the south or the north, exit at the Trento nord tollbooth (distance from the tollbooth km 22.5), take the S.S. 12 del Brennero north to the Lavis junction, and then turn onto the SP 131 Lavis - Castello di Fiemme, which leads to Grauno.
Gdzie zaparkować
Public parking in the village of Grauno (free parking).

What do I need to bring on my bike tour? 

  • Water 
  • Snacks 
  • Waterproof / Windproof jacket
  • A spare top / spare socks
  • Suncream
  • Sunglasses
  • Bike gloves/mitts
  • Map or GPS device
  • Bike repair kit
  • First aid kit

It is always advised to let someone know where you plan to go and how long you expect to be.

Emergency telephone number 112

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