
Il Lago di Lases e le buse del giaz

Czas przejścia
w godzinach
in km
Sugerowany okres

An itinerary around Lake Lases as far as Val Fredda with its curious ‘ice holes’

Lake Lases is a small Alpine lake formed by a moraine barrier, i.e. by rocky debris carried there by a glacier. It is an especially attractive lake and a protected provincial biotope set up in recognition of the unique habitat which has developed along its banks. A great many fauna species take shelter and breed in its dense reed beds. It is its crystal clear waters and beautiful colour which makes Lake Lases special. These are especially popular with fishermen because of their large stocks of Coregone (common whitefish), pike and perch.

This itinerary does not simply circumnavigate the lake, however. It also takes you to an attractive and curious place, Val Fredda, a small valley which owes its name to the presence on the valley floor of a great many ‘ice holes’ which generate a cold microclimate, closely resembling that to be found high up in the mountains, even in mid-summer. This is caused by large amounts of air circulating within masses of natural rocky debris on the mountain slopes. This movement cools down the air which filters out at the bottom of holes of various sizes which sometimes have ice in them all year round. In fact, until just after World War Two period, the buse del giaz were used as natural fridges.

Dane trasy
4,6 km
Czas przejścia
2 h 00 min
Pod górę
150 m
150 m
Stan fizyczny
Najwyższy punkt
792 m
Najniższy punkt
635 m
Wytyczne dotyczące bezpieczeństwa

Even if this trail is not technically difficult and has no dangerous stretches, we always and in any case suggest to follow the general rules on safety for mountain hikes. 

  • Prepare your itinerary
  • Choose an excursion appropriate for your real ability and training level
  • Choose the fitting equipment
  • Check the weather forecast
  • Hiking alone is risky
  • Give details about your itinerary and about the approximate hour of your return
  • Do not hesitate to entrust you to an expert
  • Pay attention to the indication and signals you will find along your journey
  • Do not hesitate to retrace your steps
  • In case of accident: ask for help and call the number 112
Punkt początkowy
Lases - parking area near the lake
Wskazówki dojazdu

This itinerary begins at the car park on the SP 71 road, in front of the lake, on the footpath which circumnavigates it. Shortly after, following the signs, you leave the circumlacual path to enter the woods and thus reach the Val Fredda. After crossing Val Fredda, the route returns to the lake and then the car park.

Jak dojechać

The starting point is the parking area near the lake

Gdzie zaparkować

Free public parking (paid in summer) in front of Lake Lases

  •  Trekking shoes or mountain boots
  • Trekking poles
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