
Sover e le sue frazioni

Czas przejścia
w godzinach
in km

A route on the footpaths linking Sover to its little hamlets perched on wooded mountain slopes in the upper Cembra valley

The Sover town area is made up of a great many scattered settlements and the route suggested here links up the hamlets of Sover, Piscine, Monte Alto and Montesover, but the following farmhouses are also worth a visit - Facendi, Piazzoli, Settefontane, Slósseri, Svéseri, Rosi, Mezzauno and a great many scattered farmhouses (Pianaci, Marigiat, Baito, Simoni, Fraine) which were, until the middle of the last century, the linchpin in a lively rural economy.

The route begins in the village of Sover, the town’s administrative centre, and wanders through its streets past attractive rural manor houses with interesting frescoes on their facades. It then turns onto a straightforward road which turns shortly into a footpath and leads to Piscine, the smallest of the area's hamlets and encircled by eight now largely uninhabited farmhouses. The village was built along its main road which continues to the church devoted to St Barbara and Madonna delle Grazie, with paintings by C. Segatta and Albertini.

From Piscine the route continues on an asphalt road and then turns onto a footpath through the forest to the wonderful Monte Alto farmhouse, an ideal vantage point for spectacular views of the Cembra valley.

You then turn onto a footpath and then gravel road which leads to the village of Montesover, a small village with open views dominating the valley at a height of 1130 metres from which you continue on gravel roads to Sover once again.

Dane trasy
9,2 km
Czas przejścia
3 h 30 min
Pod górę
450 m
450 m
Najwyższy punkt
1.154 m
Najniższy punkt
828 m
Wytyczne dotyczące bezpieczeństwa

Even if this trail is not technically difficult and has no dangerous stretches, we always and in any case suggest to follow the general rules on safety for mountain hikes. 

  • Prepare your itinerary
  • Choose an excursion appropriate for your real ability and training level
  • Choose the fitting equipment
  • Check the weather forecast
  • Hiking alone is risky
  • Give details about your itinerary and about the approximate hour of your return
  • Do not hesitate to entrust you to an expert
  • Pay attention to the indication and signals you will find along your journey
  • Do not hesitate to retrace your steps
  • In case of accident: ask for help and call the number 112
Punkt początkowy
Gdzie zaparkować

Parking area in Sover - Piazza San Lorenzo (near the City Hall)

  •  Trekking shoes or mountain boots
  • Trekking poles
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