
The water path

Czas przejścia
w godzinach
in km
Sugerowany okres
Discovering the fountains of Predazzo, through the oldest streets of the village, in the alleys full of history and tradition.
Predazzo is a village rich in fountains: they are all different and with their own history. After the fountains restoration, the Municipality of Predazzo planned a 3 km long itinerary, consisting of 20 different spots around town, to rediscover these precious sources of water and the historical centre. Along the itinerary, accessible all year round, next to each fountain there is an information board with details about the history and some old pictures of the fountains.
Dalsze informacje i przydatne linki

APT Val di Fiemme - Tel. +39 0462 241111 - -    

Dane trasy
2,9 km
Czas przejścia
1 h 00 min
Pod górę
30 m
35 m
Stan fizyczny
Najwyższy punkt
1.043 m
Najniższy punkt
1.009 m
Wskazówka autora

We recommend that you follow the route anticlockwise, for easier identification of the route through the signs.

Get the free route map of the fountains at the Tourist Board office in Predazzo.

Wytyczne dotyczące bezpieczeństwa
Pay attention to road crossings.
Punkt początkowy
Piazza SS Filippo e Giacomo
Wskazówki dojazdu

Start from the fountain east of the town hall in the SS. Filippo e Giacomo square and follow Via Dellagiacoma to the round fountain “Del Capocia”. Go on along Via Venezia and then turn left on Via Rizolai, walking back towards the historic center: this street leads into Via Dante, where on the right side, in the middle of a tiny square, can be admired the fountain “Pintera”.

Not far from it, on the Calderoni square, a circular fountain was rebuilt: from here follow Via Indipendenza, which is one of the richest in history street of Predazzo, thanks to its buildings embellished with unique artistic and architectural details. On the right side, it is worth a detour the salita Viaröl and the Vicolo Canopi, an alley full of local tradition and atmosphere, which leads further along Via Indipendenza.

Once arrived at the crossroad with Via Bedovina, one can admire the new porphyry fountain on the left side, before walking uphill along the narrow road which heads to the “Al Prenner” fountain. Past the fountain, to the left, an ancient pedestrian passage skirts the building and descends back to Via Indipendenza. A few meters on the left, on the opposite side, a beautiful yellow house has got a narrow underpass which leads to Via Saronch and Via Mazzini: from here, turn right and walk to the fountains “Vinella” and “Sief”, then come back and turn into Via delle Rogge, which heads to a small square dominated by an old travai (a wooden head gate used to immobilize horses to shoe them) and by another historic fountain.

Walk down Via Minghetti up to the crossroad on the left with Via Vardabasso, where the fountain “Molìn” can be found; at the end of this short road, next to the library, a board with black and white pictures recalls the fountain of “Barancio”, the legendary bar of Predazzo in vogue in the sixties. Cross the road and walk up Via Cavour to the fountain “Pinzan”, the biggest one in Val di Fiemme, characterized by two carved faces, each of them with a spout that spills water. From there, walk back towards the main square on Via Garibaldi: the last fountain of the route is called “della Valghera” and the board next to it recalls some no longer existing fountains, which were used to do the laundry as well.

All along the route, next to each fountain, an information board explains the fountain history and includes some historical pictures of the town.

Get the free route map of the fountains at the Tourist Board office in Predazzo.

transport publiczny
You can reach Predazzo with the public buses of "Trentino Trasporti".
Jak dojechać
From Cavalese drive to Predazzo on SS 48 or on SP 232 road.
Gdzie zaparkować
Many parking lots near the main square or in Via Venezia.
Comfortable shoes.
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